Absolutely loved reading this. Dolls Of Our Lives was such a gift to us all! How else would I ever have unearthed and healed my Samantha trauma!

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Thank you so much! Healing Samantha trauma was a wild life skill to acquire as an adult, but I'm glad we could share that !

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I love seeing the journey again through your words. And realizing that the podcast was just as much about discovery as it was rediscovery.

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Also, in one of your other episodes you seemed to be asking where Landline should go. I think your answer is here. To quote you “That’s a thing I also love about great podcast interviews or discussions, when two people have a realization together that they couldn't have apart, and we, the listeners, hear it happen in real-time.” While I definitely could listen to you and just you, it’s also fun to hear you react to others and how others react to you in real time. Guest spots would be fun, even if they’re just locals or fans.

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Yes - I totally agree with this!!

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This is such a beautiful reflection, Mary. ❤️

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